Tuesday, September 20, 2011

National Museum of the American Indian

In advance of our visit to the NMAI Wednesday, September 21 at 3 pm, here are the questions I suggested you consider during the visit and in writing about the museum afterwards.
  • What messages are sent about indigenous peoples of the Americas, their history, cultures, and present ways of life?
  • How are these messages communicated?
  • What objects and media are presented, and why?
  • What particular exhibits, images, objects or presentations strike you as especially important and meaningful in understanding the museum and indigenous peoples?
  • What’s the point of view in the exhibits?
  • Who is the intended audience?
  • What’s the point of the exhibits? What are they aiming to do?
  • What topics, themes, categories or ideas are emphasized here? How is indigenous experience conceptualized?
  • How are the tribes differentiated from non-indigenous society?
  • What’s your stake in this? Is there any way it’s especially meaningful to you?

 As time allows, I'd also like to ask you what you thought of the reading from Brown on Cultural Property--during our visit and in the following week's session.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. During the visit of the NMAI, we had a great discussion about the success of museum to present the Native American’s tribes. I found a relative report of its first anniversary by NPR that might be interesting for you.

      Mixed Reviews for Museum of American Indian


    3. Thanks, Hodjat.
      I've added a direct link in our "Links" list on the right side of the page for anyone who wants east access. You can listen to the recording and read the transcript.
